Oct 14, 2019
Today's podcast episode is a Q&A answering some of the top questions I receive on Instagram. I cover verything from how to eat plantbased without experiencing bloating and ways to see if you might have candida, to my thoughts on protein, how to eat out and stay consistent and endometriosis findings. I also add in some skincare studies because I love skincare and I know you do too!
1. Recommendations for eating PB without getting bloated?
Order you eat in
Food combining (Cheat Sheet)
Eat veggies before meals
Candida Issues
2. Tips & tricks for eating out PB? Staying consistent with
social settings?
My beliefs
Easy places to eat PB
Research the menu
Tips for social settings
3. Do I worry about not getting enough protein? Nope.
Recommended amount by the world health organization, about 5% of
your daily calories to be from protein.
Quote from Dr. Garth Davis, Proteinaholic
4. Do I have any endometriosis cures?
study:Nutrition for Endometriosis
Women who ate at least 7 servings of red meat per week had twice the risk of end, vs women who ate 3 servings of red meat weekly. Women who ate 13 servings of green vegetables had a 70% lower risk of end compared to those who ate fewer than 6 servings per week.
Study, Reverse the Signs of Ageing by Dr. Nigma Talib
Follow me on IG @hautehealthy \ Join the @plantbasednotperfect community. Check out my Ebook at hauteandhealthy.com.