Apr 12, 2020
Today's episode is all about my favorite "superfood" ACAI. You know I consume it almost daily, but today I wanted to get into WHY I eat it so often, debunk common misconceptions around it and break down all of its amazing health benefits you may not know about. There is a difference between ordering sweetened Acai with sugar added to it vs. making unsweetened acai with only fruit sugar added to it at home. I also share exactly how I make my Acai with tips and tricks to making your own at home.
Nutritional Profile + Antioxidants
Cholesterol Benefits
Anti Cancer Benefits
Gut Health Benefits
Skin Boosting Properties
What to Avoid When Purchasing Acai
How to Keep It Healthy When Ordering Acai
Brands I Recommend / Blender I Use
How I Make Mine, Recipe, Tips & Tricks
Question from IG. I'm worried about fat in an avocado. How much avocado should we be consuming per day?
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