Jul 27, 2019
This episode shares all my tips and tricks on staying consistent on a plantbased lifestyle while traveling. What to bring with you, what to order out, how to be prepared when you are in remote locations, as well as tips on how to be flexible and not beat yourself up once you return home. I share many of the remote surf locations we have traveled to, some of the more difficult locales and what I have learned along the way.
Be Prepared
Ideas for what to bring on the plane
What I typically bring along with me and from where
What to grab in a rush
Tips to Be Prepared at Your Destination
Ideas on what to buy local
Eating Out While on Vacation
The realities of travel and learning to be flexible
Do I drink alcohol? Do I still workout?
Practicing Intermitten Fasting (IF)
How to Practice the 80/20 Rule
What makes up my 80/20 when on vacay
Seeing healthy food as a luxury
Today's Knowledge: Prolonged fasts activate autophagy pathways and allow for the clearing away of damaged cells. Stem cells are activated, which eventually grow to healthy/normal cells, which replace the damaged cells that were cleared away. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Fasting Q&A Podcast
Dr. Valter Longo with Dr. Rhonda Patrick: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/valter-longo-2