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Jul 14, 2020

Sarah Marlette is a certified holistic nutritionist who works with her clients from a holistic functional medicine approach. In this episode we chat about all things gut health: from digestion and bloating issues, to leaky gut and leaky brain, as well as the importance of bio individuality, focusing on a diversity of plant food and everything in between. I am so excited to share this episode with you and be sure to take notes, she drops a lot of knowledge along the way.

Topics Discussed:

How your gut is linked to your brain and can lead to anxiety and depression

Cortisol and how to lower it, why it is important and gets a bad rap

Tips for managing snacking and cravings

How Intermittent Fasting can negatively affect you

When you are doing everything “right” but still experience bloating & digestion

Switching over to PB and consuming more raw fiber

Why certain people can handle raw veggies vs not

How to heal and seal your gut first

Thoughts on digestive enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics

Importance of when you’re eating and how you’re eating

Low intensity workouts vs. high intensity workouts

Day in the life of a holistic nutritionist

Follow Sarah @nourishthriveglow

Check out her Gut Reset at